Parabolic label

  • Data de estabelecimento
  • Localização
    United Kingdom
  • Ligações


  • Parabolic label was born in 2010 in Barcelona from the hands of edu su, with the priceless support of an environment which is passionate for audiovisual production, with artists and collectives such as NST, Lectrovision, Telenoika, Lectromind, Rita Mum, Ina Studio, etc. It is in 2011 when Parabolic label begins to take its final shape as a record label, audiovisual production and artistic agent. Parabolic is a record label based in London and with an eye on its home city, Barcelona. Its work focuses on the production and dissemination of audiovisual projects, through its collection, publication and distribution in physical and digital media, as well as through the public display of the different projects, shows, live performances, expositions or any other format of exhibition and dissemination.
