Intergalactic FM celebrates ten years with festival in The Hague

  • Partilhar
  • I-F, Intergalactic Gary and DJ Overdose are all locked in for a multi-day bash, which starts on the afternoon of Thursday, May 17th.
  • Intergalactic FM celebrates ten years with festival in The Hague image

    • Afrobot, Alessandro Parisi, Animistic Beliefs, Baz Reznik, Betonkust, Cestrian, Cosmic Force, Das Ding, David Vunk, Discotto, Rabbit Hole, DJ Overdose, DJ Technician, Dragos Rusu, Gesloten Cirkel, Heinrich Dressel, Hellboii, Identified Patient, I-F, Intergalactic Gary, Juanpablo, Lake Haze, Lazercat, Le Chocolat Noir, Legowelt, Mark du Mosch, Mule Driver, Naks, Orgue Electronique, Pasiphae, Paul du Lac, Richelle Soigni, Richelle Soigni, Roberto Auser, Ron Morelli, Rabbit Hole, Ferre de Ridder, LSTNR, Selene, DJ TLR