Barcelona to close indoor nightlife this weekend

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  • Catalonia is experiencing a surge in Covid-19 cases.
  • Barcelona to close indoor nightlife this weekend image
  • As El Pais reports, Catalonian nightlife will be paused again this weekend. The Catalan government has banned indoor events as of this Friday, in an attempt to restrict the spread of Covid-19, especially among young people. "We must take measures and we need to stop social interaction," said government spokesperson Patrícia Plaja. The measures will be in place until July 26th. As detailed on the Barcelona city website, outdoor events will be allowed to continue, with a curfew of 3 AM. For open-air events where dancing is permitted and there are over 500 attendees, the new ruling demands a negative test or proof of vaccination. Joaquim Boadas, the president of Fecasarm—the Catalan Federation of Associations of Restoration and Musical Activities—criticised the government's decision. "They had the opportunity to use the [nightlife] sector as a strategic ally if [attendees] were tested to enter," says Boadas, "as this means a massive screening among young people, mostly unvaccinated. Instead, they have opted for the wrong decision, which is to sacrifice the legal sector, which will lead to an increase in the practice of illegal nightlife and an increase in infections because in these spaces there are no health or safety measures." Catalonia reopened indoor venues on June 21st, with 50% of the normal capacity allowed. Since then, the case rate among people between 15 and 29 years of age has multiplied by 10. Hospital admissions have also increased by 33% in the last 10 days.