Glasgow initiative Music Space announces 2024 workshops

  • Partilhar
  • Six sessions will take place between January and April, covering topics such as DJing, field recordings and Sufist sound design.
  • Glasgow initiative Music Space announces 2024 workshops image
  • Glasgow initiative Music Space has announced its creative sessions for 2024. Taking place from January 20th through April 6th, the programme will span six workshops for 16 to 30 year olds based in Glasgow that face barriers to creative opportunities. The topics covered will be: Sufist sound design with Riah (January 20th), approaches to recording with Murray Collier (February 1st), DJing for beginners with RA city manager Feena (February 3rd), funding advice with the Counterflows team (February 24th), decolonising the guitar with Ray Aggs (March 6th) and field recording with Inge Thomson (April 6th). Founded by music and arts festival Counterflows last March, Music Space strives to use the arts as a positive force for change. The initiative is supported by public body Creative Scotland. Next year's sessions are free and operate on a first-come-first-served basis. Apply now, and browse Instagram for more information.