Infusion secret gig @ Honky Tonks

  • Partilhar
  • Do You Want Infusion To ‘Do To You What They Want To’ Do? Yes, Dude. You Do. What’s got three heads, six arms, an arsenal of sonic weapons, and is about to embark on another mission to mercilessly destroy dancefloors across Europe? Infusion … silly. Yes, Australia’s own Three Musketeers of electronica, Jamie, Frank and Manuel are packing their bags (again) and shooting off on a tour which will see them appear at the likes of Creamfields and rocking crowds of up to 60,000 with the power and energy of their thumping live show. With their first full-length album, ‘Six Feet Above Yesterday’, due for release in the painstakingly near future, one can’t help but think to oneself, ‘hmmm … I sure would like to see Infusion perform their new album live …’, but of course, an alarming majority of wishes go unanswered. Not this one, though. In a stroke of publicity genius, Infusion’s new monster label, BMG, hand picked a hundred-or-so of the dance industry and media’s players to attend a ‘secret’ live gig at one of Melbourne’s own veritable secrets, Honky Tonks. So, on Thursday, July 29th, a 9pm kickoff saw an eager crowd throw ‘school night’ caution to the wind and prepare to learn even more about why Infusion are one of the hottest pieces of dance music talent arranging beats and melodies today. With Ant J Steep playing Honky’s trademark white piano decks, the likes of NuBreed, Sean Quinn, Keltec, Dan Mangan, Luke Chable, and Ivan Gough mingled and shot the shit; while the men of the minute, Jamie, Frank and Manuel divided their time beautifully between friends and industry big wigs – stopping only to occasionally triple check their equipment on stage. As the lights dimmed further and the crowd grew larger, it was time to see exactly what this equipment was capable of … and Infusion were only to happy to demonstrate. Reeling through a mixture of slightly old and exceptionally new, the sheer integrity of Infusion’s sound is what their live show truly highlights. Their beats are even fatter in the flesh, their vocals more dynamic, and perhaps most noticeably … their energy more pronounced. There is only one word to describe the trio’s presence on stage – electrifying (or, should that be ‘electrofying’!). Directly inspired by the raw enthusiasm and passion that they exude on stage, Infusion had the industry faithful in the palm of their hands in no time. Manuel’s highly amusing pre-track banter and Jamie’s completely loveable lunacy (behind his shiny ‘Allen & Heath’) both perfectly complimented by the sheer cool of Frank – on stage, this combination is more golden than BMG will be in a few months when the album goes worldwide. Hands in the air, asses bumping. Plain and simple. Dedicating the evening to “… all the friends and people who have supported us, who we haven’t enough time to hang out and chat with lately …” Australia’s answer to ‘Jacques Le Cont meets John Digweed’ typically gave 110%, and did so in a typically humble, friendly, genuine fashion. Although admittedly amongst a sea of buddies and dudes, Jamie, Frank and Manuel involved the floor with personal insights into many tracks - making everyone in the bar feel part of what was, a truly special one-off gig. The highlight of the evening? The whole thing. Although, ‘Do To You (In 82’)’ direct from the sampler and live from the mic was large enough to have its’ own postcode and electorate – or indeed, ‘electro-rate’. Next time Infusion play live on our shores … sell your Smurf collection and Return Of The Jedi pencil case on e-Bay to get there; and when Infusion’s album ‘Six Feet Above Yesterday’ hits the shelves before year’s end … grab it with both hands like you’re the ‘Uneven Bars’ gold medalling gymnast at the Athens Olympics. As this super-generous gig proved once and for all … there is no confusion about Infusion. They rock. And yes, they deserve it. Nice guys always do.