OSSX - Split Wig

  • The feel-good breakbeat hit of the spring.
  • Partilhar
  • An upbeat synth melody and a pounding breakbeat—it doesn't get much better than that. "Split Wig" takes a formula you've heard countless times before and jolts it with character and energy, a banner Allergy Season release if there ever was one. But what comes across strongest in this release from New Jersey duo OSSX is the pure feeling they convey. Sure, it's easy to understand why "Split Wig" hits so hard—a heart-in-mouth breakdown, the way the main synth melody travels through filters, emerging stronger each time—but the why and how feels immaterial when OSSX make such a direct emotional impact. You can hear a palpable joy in "Split Wig," a track that celebrates the uplifting power of dance music and projects it, too.