Pandilla Ltd - aWARe

  • The dance music equivalent of a tiny home.
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  • There is a certain gossamer-like strand of dance music where "minimal" feels like too large a description (think labels like Acido, or some of the early Workshop releases). "Miniature" might be a more apt way to describe music that feels like you need a pair of binoculars to capture the details of the tracks. I'd lump the latest release from the Portuguese collective, Pandilla Ltd, into this camp. "aWARE," from their latest EP, isn't much more than a hip-hop beat placed on the edge of entropy with some equally broken minor key synth lines and vocals piped in over the course off ten minutes. But like the best music in this vein, each bass pulse and snare hit feels precise, like a carefully stacked Jenga tower, where taking one out will make the whole thing collapse.